Solid phase microextraction in the food laboratory? If, then only as HS-SPME extraction!

This is still today a widespread thinking, but no longer appropriate to the state of the technology.

In recent years, new developments in solid phases, SPME geometries /formats and autosamplers have opened the door to applications in food analysis. For example, direct extraction (DI-SPME) from difficult matrices, such as fruit extracts, is easily possible by the additional coating of SPME formats ("Biocompatible Fibers and Blades"). More on this ...

The extractions of organic compounds directly from food such as fruit or vegetables (in-vivo sampling) in the field or laboratory followed by automated analysis have also become possible.


It has been shown that SPME is a simpler and more cost-effective method for many applications than the QuEChERS method.

Currently, the determination of boar teintsubstances is an important issue in the meat industry. Is the boar meat burdened with skatol / indole and androstenone? PAS Technology Deutschland GmbH can offer cost-effective solutions with small sample throughput for small slaughterhouses and systems with high sample throughput for large slaughterhouses. Ask us.

The use of microextraction methods in the investigation of diseases of farm animals opens up new possibilities.